Lego Land Discover Center- Chicago, IL
Before our vacation I googled some family friendly things to do in Chicago. Lego Land was at the top of the list.

We had a great time, but I will say that the website makes Lego Land seem like a bigger deal then it is. I was disappointed with how small and crowded the place was. We went during the week and there was about six different Summer camps from the city. The kids were starving, but we couldn't even eat because there was NO WHERE to sit. People were fighting over tables. We rushed the kids through the rest then headed out to find a restaurant.

Lani was very excited about the Princess room, but it was LAME-O!! The 3 of us could barely fit in this teeny tiny room. Most of the pieces were broken or missing! As much as this place charges I would think this room would be better.
My final complaint about the place, lol! I hate being so negative about a place, but some thing were ridiculous. Outside this "building room" a lady was standing and asking people to come in and learn how to build the Willis Tower {used to be Sears Tower}. We thought it would be fun so in we went. Wesley and Lani both made towers and did a great job. After working so hard the guy announces that we can buy the tower or take it apart and hand back in. How sneaky was that? Luckily the kids didn't even ask to buy it. They are so good about that! I did find some directions online so maybe we can go to the Lego store and get what we need to make our own.
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