
Rainbows make me happy!

Today we had a St. Patrick's Day party here with my child care kiddos and some of my friends children:} Everyone was supposed to wear green, but Laureen and her family were the only ones that did. Who knew that Lani nor myself had a green shirt to wear. It was very busy so I didn't take many photos, but these cupcakes were the highlight of the party. We also made shamrocks and ate green Jell-O. 

Rainbow Cupcakes
Here's Lani's little boyfriend letting us all know how he feels about the yummy cupcakes! 


4 people showing me love:

BS March 16, 2010 11:54 AM  

Do you have the recipe for the cupcakes? They are awesome

Wendy March 16, 2010 12:11 PM  

Yep...this is where I found it:}


Mama Skates March 18, 2010 11:12 AM  

those are awesome!

SJINCO March 19, 2010 10:12 PM  

LOVE those cupcakes! I'm stealing the recipe...

Who am I?

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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