

I can't even believe I'm going to write a blog post about my weekend:} It's a definite sign that Winter is over. Although I must remember that I do live in New Hampshire. In March of 2006 we received 22 inches of snow, lol! Anything can happen with the weather here. We have NO snow in our yard right now. I don't remember that happening this early since we moved here in 2001. 
My weekend started on Friday when Lani, Hannah {child care kiddo} went over to the neighbors to use her cool swing set. I took a TON of cute photos of Hannah, but I can't post them. Her Mom once posted on Facebook that she didn't want relatives posting pics of Hannah on their pages because of their jobs. I definitely want to respect her wishes and not post them here. No matter how much I wish you could see them:}

Hanging there!

On Saturday Wesley had a gathering with his basketball team to celebrate a great season. The coaches bought trophies, pizza, and cake for the boys. I need to get a photo of Wesley with the trophy. It's super cool:} The party was right next to a court we have in town so the boys played a game with the coaches. 

Spring Basketball
I snapped a few photos of Lani while Wes was playing with his friends.
After the party we went for a family bike ride. OMG! My BUTT is killing me. I need a more comfortable seat:} Lani LOVED being in the bike trailer this year {last year she hated it} so it was fun. Now we can plan more bike rides with the warmer weather being here. 
Saturday night we visited my Aunt. She just bought a new pug puppy so we went over for dinner and to get our puppy fix. OMG! Sally is so freakin' sweet. She gets all hyper and then just passes out. We took Sally outside for photos, but she spent more time attacking my toes, flip flops, and pant legs. I rolled them up, but she just jumped up and grabbed them in her little teeth. You can see a few more photos of her on my Flickr page.

1 people showing me love:

Candi March 21, 2010 10:51 PM  

What a cute name for a dog! She looks like a Sally :)

Who am I?

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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