
Germ Freak

Since having Lani I have become an absolute germ freak! I was bad before, but now I tend to go over board. I don't mind this, but the family is getting a little tired of me chasing them around with antibacterial wipes and my vanilla hand sanitizer from Avon:) Michael is the worst because he CHEWS.HIS.FINGERNAILS!!! So totally nasty and gross. He always just says "Well, I have managed to stay alive this long while chewing my nails." GAH!! Today was the worst though. He was cleaning out Chloe's litter box and then he walks over to the KITCHEN SINK with it. I yelled "What are you DOING?" He just stared at me. "Hellloooo, you are about to put cat feces in our sink and all over the dishes". I then die when he says "So what"? Man, doesn't he know what kind of diseases cat's carry in their POOP!!


Oh, I also wanted to mention that this was the 400th post. Erin you were chosen to be the winner of the gift certificate. Let me know which one you would like and I will get it out to you right away. Thanks to everyone for participating! This was so much fun:)

12 people showing me love:

"J" April 01, 2008 8:47 PM  

Cool give-away idea....I'm a DORK....I missed out on it! I just thought you were asking the question like you didn't know...lol =)

Okay I would have FREAKED out on the cat box in the kitchen sink too!!! YUCK!

WAY TO GO ON # 400!!! I haven't even made it to 100 yet! =)

kristie April 01, 2008 8:50 PM  

AHHHHHHHHH cat box in the sink?!?!?! ours stays in the spare bathroom. and i wash my hands if i even stop in and look at it :-)

Chastity April 01, 2008 9:44 PM  

Oh shoot...I just read it...didn't even get a chance to comment.

BS April 01, 2008 10:59 PM  

Here's to 400 More !!!!

Erin April 01, 2008 11:12 PM  

YAY!!!!! That is awesome!! Wow I really seem to be having some good luck lately! I can't believe I won...ok all the choices were really tempting but I'm going to have to go with Walmart. There's a frame there I've been dying to buy but haven't had any extra money for. Thank you so much!!! And congrats on 400 posts!

AND...you sound like me. I'm such a germophobe. It's funny you mention the antibacterial wipes because I stockpile containers of those things. I buy the Equate brand from Walmart that are like the Wet Ones. We have a container in every room of our house except Hailey's room. I even carry them in my purse. And OMG, cat box in the sink?? EW! I would freak! My husband likes to scratch his butt or whatever else and then go touch food...sure it's outside his pants, but still, to me that's gross. I didn't grow up around men. You scratch, you wash, it's not hard! LOL Anyway, I totally sympathize.

Andrea April 01, 2008 11:45 PM  

Ewwww! I think I would nearly have a heart attack or something too if my hubby took a cat litter box anywhere near the kitchen sink...or the kitchen!!

Anonymous April 02, 2008 12:57 AM  

Congrats on the 400!!!

Okay...cat litter?? in the sink??....I have goosebumps on top of my goosebumps!

Donna April 02, 2008 7:55 AM  

Of course, one of the only ones I didn't comment on, but I did read it!

Oh well, Congrats Erin!

Germs give us our immunities!

But ewwe about the cat liter

Jesser April 02, 2008 9:49 AM  

I swear ... guys turn their brains off about half the time. It's like they don't think before they do anything. Why can't the socks go in the hamper? Why can't the cereal bowl get at least RINSED (and I mean all the way to the top so I don't have to chisel off dried-on Special K??). BTW, the clippies are totally cute. I will soooo be buying some for Tabby. Wonder if she'll rip them out 2 seconds after I put them in like the other barrets she's got. :P

Becca April 02, 2008 12:56 PM  

I'm a germ freak too! I hope my OCD about it doesn't wear off on Ava, the poor child likes me to wipe Purel on her hands when I do. Oops!!

And gross about the cat litter. Men don't get it, no poop is clean but especially not cats.

SJINCO April 02, 2008 4:02 PM  

Bummed that I missed the 400th post contest! But that's okay...

And um, if Keven would have done something like that around me and I caught him in the act!? I would have freaked out too. Germ freak or not, that's just gross!

Mason and Terri's Mom April 03, 2008 9:13 PM  


wanna know what Clint does that COMPLETELY GROSSES ME OUT....

email me! haa haaa

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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