
Almost 21 months

I forgot to post when Lani turned 20 months so I will now do an "almost 21 months" post:) She is doing so well and saying some of the funniest things to us. Her eating has improved almost 100%. She is still picky, but eats a lot of what she does like. Still no vegetables (unless you count the 20 carrots she bit and put back in the dish at an Arbonne party I went to), but she LOVES fruit. We have a weight check in April which I know will be fine because I can see it in her face and all of her 12 month clothes are FINALLY getting too small for her. I can actually put 18 months pants on her and have them stay up:)

We sing a lot of songs together and she has finally started to sit through books with more than one word on a page:) Her dancing skills? WOW! I have got quite a video for you that I will post later because it is taking FOREVER to download.

Now, on to what she is saying to us because it is the best. It would be so much cuter if you could HEAR it, but she always clams up when I get the camera out. I do have a cute video of her, but Michael said I can't post it because the house is a mess in the background! LOL!! When is my living room not full of freakin' toys? Hmm....never!!!

*Instead of yes she is now saying "sure" with an overly exaggerated head nod. Sometimes when she is really excited we get "Ooohhh yeah sure Mama"! GAH... I love it!!

*"I did it" with her hands thrown up into the air

*"I wub you bewy much"

*"mere mere" which translates to come here. She usually uses her hand to wave us over to her while saying it over and over and over. Never taking "in a minute for an answer".

*She still calls Wesley "wee wee", but every once in a while we get a "Weswee"!!

*When we put Lani's shirt over her head or we are not in the room she says "Where are you?" She gets so panicky when we put on her shirts. Sometimes she runs away from us because she is so scared.

*One of her favorites is "blah". When there is a hair on her or anything dirty she panics. But the hairs are the worst. She had one in her mouth once and she was freaking out so bad that I thought she was seriously hurt. It was just a tiny hair on her tongue. Oh and she also picks her nose and hands them to us saying "booger"!!

Being the planner that I am I have already been jotting down ideas for her birthday party:) I am not sure what theme we will have or if there will even be one. Of course Wesley turns 8 next month and that is already planned out:)

My dear Lani, we wub you bewy much:)

5 people showing me love:

AM March 14, 2008 9:49 AM  

I cant WAIT until Emma says she loves us. She's not talking near as much as Lani is, but she's come along way. She JUST started putting two words together as a sentence. Like Bye Bye Daddy.

We need to see the dancing video!

Andrea March 14, 2008 10:03 AM  

Awww! how adorable! And I can't wait to see her dancing video!! :)

kristie March 14, 2008 11:14 AM  

cute!!! and the video is fabulous. her dancing is great. your husband would simply die if he saw my craft room right now if he doesn't like a messy room.

Donna March 14, 2008 5:32 PM  

Oh my...E HATES hair too. He freaks out about it. Especially in his baths, if one of my long hairs is floating in the water. LOL.

Getting a bit better, but I think it is funny.

Laura March 15, 2008 1:40 PM  

Deeder is 20 months today. He says some funny things too, but is keeping up the pattern of being behind Lani in language development. :P

How is Lani with having her hair washed? Deeder HATES that. He thinks I'm trying to drown him.

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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