Lani is 19 months
She is beginning to learn her colors and so far she knows "yeyo" and "boo". It cracks us up because she goes around searching for things that are these colors. She also watches the show "World Word" on PBS every once in a while and loves to sing her ABC's. She usually just sings the tune, but sometimes she throws a letter in there. Usually "G" and "P"! She counts like this "one, tree, one, tree, one, tree" over and over. We have to count everything we do with her and she counts right along with us with her own special counting.Lani loves to sing and it has to be one of the best sounds in the world. I bought her a book from the latest Scholastic order (let me know if you are ever interested in ordering) called "Shoo Fly". I am sure you know the song, but they add some to it and make it a little more fun. Well, she sings it while sitting on the couch flipping through the book. I have been trying really hard to get it on video, but she clams right up. Little booger!!
Lani is silly and loves to play games. Her favorite for now it covering her eyes and saying "Mama (insert any name here) where you". She says it with a little sing song to it and I love it! When we put a shirt on her she says it until we get her head out. At bed she covers her head with the blanket and says it until we leave her room and sometimes will walk around with her eyes closed while saying it. Oh, and if you don't answer where you are right at that moment she continues to say it over and over until you do. She is so much darn fun to be around and already has her father's goofy personality. Man, I am surrounded by a bunch of goofs;)
Her eating is about the same. If it is something she likes then I can count on her eating a lot of it. As soon as she wakes up in the morning she asks for "wafoo mik" which is translated to "waffle and cereal with milk". So, she eats a huge breakfast, a small lunch, and an okay dinner. Still no veggies though! Lately she has started to drink the vanilla soy milk which is new for her. Her favorite "treat" is the O'Soy yougurt from Stonyfield! She loves it! When we are out it's hard to find her food, but she loves the chicken selects from McD's with some "fwy fwys". I know they are so full of badness, but they are okay if we are out with nothing else to give her. I always try to remember something for her, but I can't always plan. Geesh! You think I feel guilty about giving her those?!? We go in for her weight check on Tuesday so I am hoping she has gained something. If not, we will be heading up to Dartmouth to see an endocrinologist. She has been eating well most days and has been pretty healthy so I can't imagine that she hasn't.There are some days that I look at Lani and get so teary and sappy! My baby is definitely not a baby anymore. Although I love watching her grow I also hate knowing that she is my last one. Now, I can love on and spoil my little niece or nephew that my brother and his wife are expecting in August.
21 people showing me love:
I love that picture with her and the baby. Lani has a much larger vocabulary than Emma. I used to be worried about Emma's speech, but she's gotten a lot of new words lately.
Oh happy 19 months to Lani - what a little sweetheart she is! :)
Awe!! Your cute little girl, is sooo, well cute!
Makes me really miss M being tiny!
Who did your new header...CUTE!!
Drea is in the process of putting a new look together for me=)
i really dont know the situation but will she eat spaghetti? i have a recipe over on my blog that hides mushrooms and carrots into the sauce, you cant tell they are there, since you blend them up teeny tiny its not 'chunky' so she can't pick them out.. you're welcome to type spaghetti into my blog search and find it, or email me and i'll send it to you...
I love the picture of her in heels, it won't be long and that will be real!
Awww what a cutey!
Awww! She sounds like SOOO much fun!!! And I LOVE your new header!!
They grow up way, way, way, way too fast!!! LOVE the shoes!!!
I know how you feel! LP is 2 now and it's amazing how much his vocab has doubled!
I love all the cute photos of Lani - she's such an adorable girl!
Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. Your little one is a cutie.
Cute! Sounds like you've had a fun month. As always, impressive language development! Happy 19, Lani :)
Oh and your new header is uber cute, Wendy! How'd you do it?
Super sweet... as always!!!! She is sooo cute with those glasses on!!!! You need help with Dartmouth.. I'm right there.. I know that place inside and out.. I use to walk it three times a week!! Now I just run to the run room hole I work in!!! LOL LOL
I keep forgetting for some reason that Lani is just a few months older than Meredith! :) Sounds like she's doing just great ... I love the pictures! Don't worry about the McDonalds ~ we do that, too, from time to time!
Could she be any cuter??? I'm impressed with the colors. Jenna's 21 months and she still doesn't have a clue. I work with her every day on colors, but she doesn't get it!
Happy 19Months Lani....wait...that means that Terri is 19months too! THanks for keeping up with it for me!j/k!! Terri doesn't know colors yet, Lani is advanced. :-O I'm sure she'll eventually start to eat veggies! She'll be fine! Besides she is too cute...that compensates for her tinyness!!
Oh and I love your flats!
So sweet little Lani! She is without a doubt growing up too fast! Happy 19 months!
Love the picture of her in the glasses. She's cute as ever :)
cute post! i love watching the little ones learn! i get sappy too.
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