My lil' Picasso
Now that Lani is interested in doing little activities I started a calendar. Each week is a different theme and is full of things to do. This week we have been dressing up and pretending to be some of my favorite "Fairy Tale" characters. One day we read "Little Re.d Riding Ho.od" and the kids painted with red paint. Lani loved the idea and even let herself get "diwty". See her painting herself! I totally allowed it:) Of course I had emergency wipies close by in case of mental breakdown.Alex on the other hand is not enjoying these little activities. I showed him how to use the brush and set it on the paper for him to pick up. He just stared at it, so I put the brush in his hand and showed him what to do. Um, he just stared for like 2 minutes, started to pout and began screaming. He did the same with some glitter and glue we used today. I have never had a child act like this before so I am not sure if it's normal.
18 people showing me love:
That is so sweet and sounds like such a FUN idea to do with the kid-o's!
lol... Lore and Lani would totally love playing together lol... and I have no idea if that is normal with the other one lol...
I have attempted art with emma maybe twice. But I know they do something at daycare sometimes. Emma's still in the "shove it in your mouth" phase, so Im not too sure about paints.
Merci used to be afraid of paint and icky stuff too, now she isn't.
Looks like fun, I really need to do more with E!
So where is the pic of your fridge??
I did this but I put them in the bath tub with out the water...washed off the tub better than the floor. and if they got all paint I just added the water and washed then down! sometimes I just let them paint the inside of the
hehe too cute!!! i think i am more afraid of diego using paint than he is himself... he wasnt a fan of getting his hands dirty [thanks to my obsession]... but he does love to draw now! it takes patience to do art with little kids- i am not good in allowing the kids to be messy :(
Maybe Alex just isn't the creative type :).
Awww! What a fun idea - I should start a little calander like that for Tate! He'd probably love it!
lol...It's a girl thing!
Looks like so much fun! I think I'd probably have a coronary because I'm a freak about messes. I guess I need to get over that though because Ava is just now getting into that kind of stuff too. However today she was at her table coloring (or so I thought) and I turned around and she had colored all over one of her canvas toy containers. I guess that's better than her coloring all over the walls though!
Looks like she's enjoying the other one not so much.
Oh this sounds like super fun... ahum... I did notice that those two little beauties were using their left hands... woo hoo... tee hee!! tee hee..!!
Wow, you are very brave. I am impressed with the way Lani keeps the paint on the paper!! I'm sure you had a little something to do with that, but Jenna doesn't particularly enjoy those things either. We haven't tried paint, but she's not into coloring. She would rather eat the crayons than color with them...
Ohhh see Noah and Josh would have that paint all over the floor! Girls are so neat! :-)
We did this at a Mom's Club outing and the kids loved it. Had paper rolls taped all over the driveway, dumped homemade fingerpaint on it and let them go at it. We just turned the sprinkler on when they were done for some more fun. Very cute!
So cute. Hailey and Lani would get along great :)
lol...poor kid! lol Whats on his forehead?
SO, so cute!
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