
I wish that....

....my freakin' phone would stop ringing!! I already know who I am going to vote for and to be honest you sweet little volunteer it's really none of your business!! Trust me the 500 commercials are enough. We don't need the phone calls and door to door campaigning. Gotta love the NH pri.mary!!

7 people showing me love:

AM January 07, 2008 9:02 AM  

Ah,the gloriousness of not having a home phone... :)

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ January 07, 2008 9:56 AM  

Oh I know what you mean...It is getting to the point where I no longer answer my phone. if it is one when I answer I just hang up on them...what do they do just run down the Phone book pages? good Grief! I think the commercials are enough and the 101 millions signs posted around town and the fool who stand on the street corner holding signs in -0* weather! I saw on sign the other day a man was holding saying... " I will Freeze for Hillary"

Kim January 07, 2008 3:22 PM  

Ohhh you know what!! By the time the stupid primary gets to CT, our votes don't even matter....the winner has already been declared! Just another reason why I am not a fan of this state. :-)

SJINCO January 07, 2008 8:18 PM  

Oh man, is it THAT time again?

Becca January 07, 2008 10:08 PM  

Crap I didn't think about that! We have our phone through Vonage and it's unlisted, so I actually get a shock when mine rings because only a few people know it! Thank goodness!

Shannon January 08, 2008 8:46 PM  

I think it should be illegal for those phone calls... next time tell them you are going to vote for Santa Claus lol...

"J" January 09, 2008 4:09 PM  

That stinks!!! =( am has it right...that is the joy of not having a home phone...YIP YIP!!! =)

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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