
Weekend Pictures

We had a very busy weekend! I loved every minute of it though. Here is a little recap for those of you who are interested:) I posted a few pictures of the weekend but you can see some more here.


We got up and went to pick up Michael’s ‘new’ car. He has been driving my first car that I bought in 1997. It was a ‘94 Saturn that is just now starting to fall apart. So, we bought another Saturn, since the other one was so reliable! It is a ‘97 but in great condition. The girl we bought it from is moving to Montana so she wanted to sell it fast and cheap!
We then drove to Leah’s softball game! Isn’t she adorable?!? Her team did great and won the game! Hooray Leah!!! (Leah is my niece in case you didn’t know that)

We left her game a little early to bring Wesley to a birthday party where he was sugared up with all kinds of goodies! We picked him back up and headed to the park for a while! He NEEDED to get some energy out! I finally was able to get some pictures with Lani in the new sling wrap that I bought a few weeks ago. She loves being worn. Anything that brings her closer to Mama! I’ve been wearing this sling a little at a time so that my back and shoulder can get used to it. This time I wore her for about an hour. My back was fine after. That is awesome because when I wore the snu.gli front pack, I was in pain after about 5 minutes:) Lani also hated being in that. Here is the site that I bought the sling from. Lite on Shoulder By Rosy Baby. If you are in the market for a sling you should definetly go and check this site out. They have beautiful prints, high quality fabrics, and are perfectly comfortable.

Once we left the park we ventured over to Michael’s Aunt and Uncle’s house for his cousins birthday party. We had the usual festivities with cake and ice cream. Later, his Uncle Pete got a rather large bonfire going. Wesley and my nieces and nephews had a blast throwing wood into the fire! Talisha, Michael’s cousin, also announced that her boyfriend finally popped the question:) She has been waiting for this and we are soooo excited for the both of them! So, there was a lot to celebrate that night.

Now, onto Mother’s Day! I had a wonderful day with two of my favorite Mom’s! We took Michael’s Mom out to breakfast with Lisa and her family. It was quite the crew:) After, we went over to a garden center to let Mom pick out some flowers for her garden! She also told Lisa and I to pick some out for our yards. I then gave the job to Michael because he is responsible for beautifing the yard:) I will post pictures when he get’s it all transplanted. It is finally beginning to feel like Spring around here! Below is the card and flowers that Wesley brought me home from school. He also bought me a white chocolate Lin.dor bar! I would have take a photo but I at it too fast! LOL! I allowed him to have some too! Michael bought me a new watch, that I picked out and a nice card. I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother’s day and were celebrated like you all deserve!

I did wonder a little about what my Mom was doing on this day. I was a little less sad this year. I hope that she was VERY SAD!!

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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