
Weekend Recap

On Friday night the whole family ended up going to dinner at a friends house for dinner to plan a surprise for another friend! Sorry, can’t tell you anymore about that yet:) We had yummy steak and potatoes on the grill! I can’t wait until summer when we grill most every night! We planned the party, chatted, and watched some TV!

On Saturday, we ran a thousand errands in Concord! Both Lani and Wesley were so good about going into so many different stores! It was insanely busy and I was so exhausted since Lani decided to get up at 4:45 am that morning! Did I mention that I am NOT a morning person?!? I let Michael sleep in since he gets up at 5am every morning! Ugh! What was I thinking? So, he and I snapped at each other a lot and by the end of grocery shopping trip from hell I waved my white flag and called for a truce! It worked because we went out to eat and we didn’t argue once:) Then we went to his Mom’s to drop off some curtains that she going to hem for us! I am LOVING her for this because I have no sewing skills at all:) We did buy Lani a toy box for the living room and a few Easter gifts! The Easter Bunny comes to out house so it was fun trying to buy the stuff without Wesley noticing! It is a good thing that he can’t focus in stores because there is too many other things to look at!

On Sunday, Michael had to work! I will be so happy when he is done with these weekend hours! I hung around and cleaned the house all morning with Wesley’s help! He LOVES to clean and I take full advantage of it now because I know it wont last long! Later my SIL and her kiddos came over so she could cut our hair! She cut mine pretty short since the last time I went to a salon, the lady cut it all crooked! I could not believe how “huge” my hair is now! These hormones have caused my once straight hair to grow in wavy and thick! Once Lisa cut the length off it poofed right up! I may actually have to put some product in it to tame the beast! Never thought that I would say that:) I will admit that I am pretty excited about it because I always hated my straight hair! I could do NOTHING with it! I’ll have to have fun with some new hairstyles:)

So, that was my weekend! Not even one picture! I tried to get one of Lani and Wesley in the car at Lowe’s but I left my memory card in my laptop! Damn! I hate it when I do that!

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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