
Wesley loses a tooth!

Wesley lost his third tooth a few weeks ago. He woke up crying one morning and went Michael went into check on him the tooth was laying on his pillow. This is his 2nd tooth that he has lost during the noght. He is glad that he has not swallowed either of them!!
The tooth fairy left him a dollar under in his pillow and somehow she got in the house during Michael’s birthday party without anyone seeing her and put money in his pants pocket! (thanks Grampy

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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