
UGH! Finally back on the interwebs, but I'm not sure for how long! We've been using our neighbors wireless connections and it's become very unreliable. HAHA! That sounds funny:} Soooo....we had to suck up the cost and on Monday we are getting our own internet connection. Also a home phone since Wesley is here alone for very short periods of time and doesn't have a cell phone. He needs to be able to call in an emergency. Also, if there is EVER a miscommunication about me picking him up at school. He could show up here from the bus while I'm at school. Has never happened, but at least now he would be able to call me from the house. 

On top of the connection problems I've also had problems with my laptop. I ordered a new battery so hopefully that will fix it. I am in denial that it's my hard drive. I have everything backed up, but what a pain to deal with. Luckily I have my old Dell so I've been using that. Works okay for surfing the web, but I can't do any photo editing. TOO SLOW and it crashes constantly. 

I'll catch everyone up on what we have been up to. Friday night we went to my friends annual Christmas party. We had a fabulous time!! The kids were well behaved, there was yummy food, and lots of laughs. I love love love these ladies and their families:} We've only been friends a few years, but it feels like forever!!! Saturday Michael had to work so the kids and I just chilled out until Wesley's basketball practice. That evening we let Wesley pick a restaurant to celebrate his STRAIGHT A report card. It was a fun night until......Wesley woke up around midnight and vomited ALL OVER his room. When you puke from the top bunk it's like a bomb and goes everywhere:( Poor kid had to take a shower. Michael and I spent over an hour cleaning up the mess. We threw away books, stuffed animals {Lani's}, pillows. BLAH!! Luckily his Bionicles were washable, lol! Luckily we had carpet cleaner solution for the Kirby because that kind of stain needed to be sucked up right away. Sooo very stinky and nasty. Remember we took Wes out to dinner that night? Well, he chose Pizza Hut....yeah, nasty! 

The next day he still felt achy, had a headache, but no more sickies. I was getting us all ready for a Christmas party in our association when Michael started feeling yucky:( He and Wesley stayed home while Lani and I ventured out in the downpour to visit Santa. About an hour after we got home Lani was in the bathroom puking. OH MY WORD! We caught the plague, lol!! I still haven't caught it thank goodness:) That night all 3 sickies slept in my room while I stayed way downstairs on the couch. The next day was spent disinfecting the whole house. I don't think my washing machine has been used so much since we bought it! 

We caught the bug from that super fun Christmas party we attended Friday night. Their family had it earlier in the week, but we didn't realize it was sooo darn contagious. Two other families also ended up with the same thing:( I keep waiting for it to get me, but so far so good. I think I have an immune system of steel since I've worked with snotty kids for sooo many years. 

Last night we went to Wesley's band concert at school. He did GREAT! It was fun to hear him play more complex songs this year. He was even invited by his music teacher to play with the 6th-8th grade band for a song along with 2 other percussionists. I do have video and photos, but those will have to wait until I get my laptop up and running. 

1 people showing me love:

Candi December 16, 2010 8:45 AM  

That by far has to be the worst job as a parent, cleaning up puke. I always wonder how they can sleep up until they second they puke??? As soon as one kid gets sick in this house I send them all to bed with puke buckets, lol!!!

Hope you stay healthy!

Who am I?

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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