
I love looking back on my blog and seeing the more personal subjects I blogged about. It seemed to come so easy when I was a Mom again after 5 years and was taking care of a sweet {most of the time} infant girl. There was sooo much support for me out there and the friends I made really helped to get me through some of the toughest times. 

I've missed all that. I want to blog more. I want to blog everyday even about the most mundane things. It's hard though. It's hard when NO ONE comments anymore {Thank you for that Facebook} Okay, maybe I can't just blame Facebook, lol. BUT...I've noticed that there are a lot of us Mommy bloggers who just don't get the comments anymore. That is unless you are one of those famous money making Mommy bloggers. 

So, starting today I am going to try my hardest to blog daily. I sit here in the evening browsing Facebook, reading blogs, and editing photos. Why not blog? Really...there is NO excuse. I'll blog even when I don't have a photo. That will be weird, huh? 


Today Lani had preschool and I only had 2 child care kiddos so I ventured out to run some errands. I love when I can go shopping without Lani. I love her, but man can she be high maintenance. HAHA! Isn't that what we all say? My child care tots were perfect angels, of course! I'm sure there Mom's can't say that:) I love going to BJ's and picking up random crap that we don't really need. Okay we did need that Dishwasher detergent. But we definitely didn't need 16 bars of soap and 4 tubes of toothpaste. I know we will use all of those, but dang! 

Wesley had his 3rd night of basketball try outs tonight. It's for the schools 5th/6th grade team. It's his first try out and I HOPE he makes the team, but really I have no idea. There were 34 boys. A crazy amount and they all tried sooo hard. The boys don't find out until tomorrow when the team roster will be posted at school. I kind of wished he found out tonight after the try out because I really want to be there with him. Either celebrating or comforting my baby. I KNOW...he's not a baby anymore, but still. He's going to be so sad if he doesn't make the team. Wesley is one of those "on the fence" kids. He's not a super star, but he definitely has skills. The only thing that will help him get over the rejection is that he will be able to play on our parks and recreation town team. We've already talked about how this will help him to build on his skills and that we are just proud of him for trying his hardest. WEEE!! 

Tomorrow is Friday:) That's good!!! Winter and cold weather are on the way which means that Michael gets to start working on Saturdays. This is our last weekend together. {It's my birthday on Saturday} 

2 people showing me love:

Trace November 19, 2010 3:55 AM  

Facebook can be bad like that.. ;)

I lost a lot of readers when I went private.. but private works for me so it's all good. :)


Joanna November 19, 2010 9:17 AM  

This blogging world is a fickle one isn't it?!! I am guilty of not commenting enough - I think firstly, it's because I am subscribed to too many blogs, and secondly, because I read them through a feeder and it's just too much work to make that one extra click to get to the actual blog to comment. Pathetic isn't it?! Keep it up and know that people appreciate it even if we are useless at commenting:) Your photos are always gorgeous by the way!!

Who am I?

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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