When did she officially become a preschooler?
A few weeks ago I signed Lani up for preschool! It's only 2 days a week and I am very excited about the socialization she will be getting while there. Of course the activities and projects will be awesome, but we do those here at home. What Lani really needs is to learn that she is not the queen bee:} She's been with my child care kiddos daily for almost 4 years so they've become like family. Mrs. Bossy pants has become her nick name, lol!
Just a few months ago I was worried about her going. Being a part of my home preschool and one in an actual center are two totally different things. Over the past several weeks Lani has shown me that I have nothing to be worried about. She's writing her name, getting herself dressed, putting on her own shoes, and actually going off and playing independently with out needing me close by. Those may not seem like major things, but as a preschool teacher I know they will make her transition much easier.
I miss my baby Lani, but this is an awesome age!!!
4 people showing me love:
What a cutie pie!!!!
I know exactly what you mean :) I went through it with my 3 boys and I'm not looking forward to going through it with my 2 girls :( Good luck! I know she'll do great next year!
What a big girl!! They grow up too fast!
She's so stinking cute, and man, she's gotten so big! Love the signature pose too:)
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