
Double Digits

Wesley turned TEN on April 26th!! It's so hard to believe that I have a son who has entered the double digits. 

Wesley is in 4th grade this year and is doing better then Michael and I thought. He made high honors first trimester and A-B honors for the second trimester. The boy is in advanced Math and Reading which certainly has been a HUGE challenge for all of us. I'm glad he made it into these classes though because I'm sure he would be bored in another. Those of you who know Wesley in real life know how 'silly' he can be;) Not being challenged would cause him to get in a lot of trouble. The only concern his teacher has shown is his disorganization {is that a word} and his chattiness. 

This year Wesley played soccer and basketball. He LOVED them both, but didn't want to play baseball this year. According to Wesley "it's not my thing". He also joined our town's Boy Scout Pack which turned out to be a lot of fun for him. The Pack planned a lot of fun activities that wont stop this Summer:) Our Den leader was awesome and now Wesley wants to be an engineer because of him. {He is a geological engineer or something like that} 

Wesley is now allowed to play the official snare drum at school and not just the practice drum. I guess that means he can carry a tune:) He has a GREAT drum roll and we hear it quite a bit coming from the garage. I still haven't found him official drum lessons {EXPENSIVE} but Wesley seems to be a natural. He listens to a song and then plays along with their drum beat. 

Of course there is karate. Wesley is now on his second green belt! He's been at this dojo for almost 5 years. It's amazing to think he was one of their first students. I still remember how adorable he was in his little uniform:) Can I get an AWWWW!!! 

His favorites haven't changed much since his 9th birthday. AC/DC is still favorite band and Michael is introducing him to other bands and types of music. He loves to play video games, use his Star Wars guys, and ride his bike. Michael and I decided to let him venture off our road when he's with a friend. YIKES! This was really hard for me:( 

Not all moments with Wesley are easy. He's a sensitive boy and emotional which can be challenging, but most of the time it's a good thing. He's compassionate and caring about others around him. The love he feels for his sister, Michael, and I is incredibly strong! {Why else would he want to sleep in our room every night? lol!} Like his Mama Wesley has a bad habit of leaving his clothes in piles instead of placing them in the laundry basket. Some day we will break him of this habit. Maybe I should start setting a better example? 

1 people showing me love:

Monica May 07, 2010 4:26 PM  

I know how you feel about the whole double digits. It was hard for me with my first one and in Oct. I'll have a second one in double digits...ahhhhh!!!! I can't believe how fast our kiddos grow up :'(

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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