These are the words I heard coming out of Wesley's mouth when I snapped this photo of him and Des rollerskating.

The kiddos were on vacation last week so my friend Laureen and I went on a bunch of outings. She was watching a 12 year old for the week so we had fun thinking of things for her and Wesley to do. Rollerskating was high on our list:} Wesley wasn't too thrilled when we first tried. He took off his skates after a few minutes and said he was done. After watching us all have fun he decided that another try was in order. He did GREAT! I was so proud of him for trying again and not just give up. I went around with him while Laureen stayed with her twins and Lani {L would only skate on the carpet}. After a few times he was willing to skate with Des on his own!!

1 people showing me love:
We LOVE to roller skate too! Cute pictures!!
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