Ride On....
Wesley participated in his very first Pine Wood Derby race for Boy Scouts. Although we had NO idea what we were doing Wesley did great and had an awesome time. He and Michael built an AC/DC themed car. I may be partial, but I think it was the coolest looking car there ;}
Wesley placed 4th out of 9 boys in his den. Now that we know a little more about how things are done next year will go MUCH better. I think that everyone in our town just assumed that we all had been in scouts before. We were given a car kit and said be here on this date. Yeah....that didn't work out so well. Wes' car looked great, but didn't weigh enough. We just thought it couldn't be OVER 5 ounces, but it had to be exactly that much. So, Michael glued $2 worth of quarters to the bottom.
The track was pretty high tech and I guess our Pack spent a lot of time raising money for it. It's totally electronic and has special software that keeps track of the cars place and speed. Did you know the average speed of these little buggies is 200mph? I didn't!

2 people showing me love:
Great job Wes! 4th place is nothing to be ashamed about.
it was the same for us...here's ur car, see ya at the race! i asked the Den leader if we could see some examples of other cars & he asked the boys to bring their old cars to the next meeting...but none did...i was worried we were doing it all wrong, but it turned out pretty awesome! we also had to add a bunch of weight to the car when we got to the race...luckily, our leader brought along a bunch of extra weights & we glued em to the bottom too...Wesley's car is soooo cool! & yes, what a mature move...they're growing up so fast! :0(
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