Last weekends happenings!
We went to Leah's 10th birthday party at a local bowling alley. (Wesley had his birthday there in April) It was "glow bowling" so there was a lot of flashing lights and loud music along with some LOUD preteen girls:) We all had a GREAT time though. I made Lani some dairy free cupcakes to share with her Auntie who has taken dairy out of her diet as well. We did forget the soy ice cream, but Lani didn't miss it with all the chaos. I had a blast shopping for Leah this year. I cruised the mall and seriously could have spen A LOT of money on her. Girls Rock!!! We ended up getting her an Aeropostale gift certificate and some goodies from Claire's (makeup, brush, bracelet).

On Sunday we headed north to see my brother and his family. He is a firefighter so we went to Keene so the kiddos could see their Uncle in his firetruck. Lani was waving like crazy to all the trucks, but when Jon went by she just stood there in shock. It was so funny:) I am soooo proud of Jon and what he has accomplished. Many of my long time readers know my family history and for all of us to be so "normal" and accomplished is HUGE!! Jon is also a paramedic, so he totally ROCKS. It cracks me up how nervous Jon is around the kids though. He notices every dangerous thing that they do. LOL!! I wonder how he will be with Aubrey. Not only is he naturally over protective, but she is his little girl.
4 people showing me love:
How COOL about the bowling! I LOVE to bowl. I'm not all that great at it, but it is fun to me.
When David and I were dating, we used to bowl a lot for dates (I think I am showing my age here...). The alley we went to in FL had mid night bowling. The theme was usually like 50's-80's...depending on the night you went, you did not know what era you'd get...but lights flashing, disco ball, and oh so fun!
Not like these new high tech glow ones though! We've got to get out more, and check the new technology! lol...usually when we take the kids to the bowling alley, the would rather do video games.
Glad you all had such fun. Leah's birthday cake is beautiful! Great photo of her with her cake. Sweet pics of your family.
Glad you all had fun w/Leah @ her party! So glad you got to go see Jon & spend time w/him & his family! That's awesome that you guys got to see Jon "in action". And that's wonderful that ALL of you (meaning you & your brothers) have decided to be better persons & not followed other's footsteps :) YAY for you all :) That last pic of Wesley & Lani is adorable :)
I love the picture of the birthday girl and the cake!
Now I want to go bowling! Glad you had a good weekend.
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