Three Months and all stuffy!
Lani woke up on Monday with her first cold. She did okay for most of the day but by the afternoon she was full on congested and fussy. We went to the store to get the saline and began the suctioning process. She of course hates every minute of it but it really does help. I spent most of the evening calming her fears of having a stuffy nose. It was a new feeling to her and she became extremely upset when she couldn’t breathe with her mouth shut. She soon caught on that it is all much easier with the mouth left open. She slept okay Monday night but spent most of it propped up in bed with me. That was the only way to keep her sinuses open so I didn’t get too much sleep that night worrying about her. The next day she got the small fever and was not doing well at all. So we hung out on the couch all day together except for when Jen sat with her so that I could go and get some tylenol. Thanks Jen!!! She took several long naps and in between we suctioned. Tuesday night was better because we just layed her in bed next to me and Michael camped out on the floor. Of course I still did not sleep well because I was worried about her rolling off the pillow we had her slightly propped on. She was so tired that she did not move a muscle until it was time for a quick snack :) Michael did not go to work because we got to have lunch with Wesley at school. He decided to use his last personal say for that. So I took a nice long nap after Wesley left for school.
Here are her 3 month photos a few days late. We went to the doctor today for her well child check and it seems that her cold is getting better quickly. She was in a better mood today and less stuffy.
She weighed in at 15 pounds 4 ounces and 23 inches long. Both were in the 95th percentile for her age. She has to go back next week to get her immunizations since she had a fever yesterday. I am not looking forward to that although since Wesley they have turned 3 shots into one so she gets 2 this time instead of 4!
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