There is not too much going on around here and my blog is suffering because of it. Maybe I am officially a “Mommy Blogger” since when I have nothing to say about my kids…I don’t write! BLAH!!
I recently found out why I have skin tags around my eyes and why my hair has this wierd frizzy thing going on! It is from my Poly.cystic Ova.rian Synd.rome! I had no idea these were also symptoms. This may sound horrible, but I really want to be done nursing so I can go back on my meds! I know there will be instant weight loss, normal hair, normal cycles, less mood swings, and no more skin tags!!
There is a few things that I am looking forward to over the next few weeks.
On Friday I am going to Derry Island for an all night crop! My friend Michelle and I are going together. It runs from 6pm to 12am, with dinner, drinks and snacks. We also get to sit in comfy computer chairs at our own table and we get to run a tab in the store if we need anything. I love having the whole store to creat pages! This will be my first time without Michael and the kids. YAY!!! Michelle has a 4 month old at home so I know she really needs this night out also.
We also are on vacation next week and have some day trips planned. On one day we are heading to the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. I’ve lived in New Hampshire for 20 years and just recently discovered this zoo. We’ll head for the coast, the mountains, and to a few doctors appointments as well. Lani has her allergy testing and I have my yearly!! Woot!! What a way to spend a vacation:)
Michael also has one more “on call week” before the winter. He delivers propane for a local company and will be on call for a whole week. We love this because he is home all day and still gets paid for 40 hours. His on call time starts at 6pm and goes until 6am. His past two times being on call he received one call each week. So, he worked for about 4 hours and was paid for 40!! AWESOME! Soon, the winter will hit and the 60 hour work weeks will be back, but these Summer hours have made it all worth it. Can you believe that some of his co-workers have complained about this? They say it is too boring! Are you kidding me? Michael has found plenty to do!
On Sept. 5th, Ashleigh is flying back for our brother’s wedding on the 8th! I am SUPER excited to see her again. I have missed her soooo much! I am also going to be meeting my first blogger friend the weekend of my brothers weekend! Lisa lives near where the wedding is going to be and we are getting together! I am thrilled to finally get to meet her and the family. Lani is going to love her daughters and the pugs!
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