
School vacation adventures

Wesley was on school vacation this week and we spent a lot of time with Lisa and her kiddos! (My SIL, two nieces, and nephew) Even though Leah was sick, my car broke down, and Lisa’s car was also in the shop we managed to get out and have some fun! Thanks to Darbie (my MIL and Lisa’s Mom) for letting us use her vehicle!

On Thursday I met Lisa, Darbie, and the kids at a Kaleidoscope Children’s Museum in Concord! It is fairly new and this was my first time going there! We LOVED it! I thought that maybe Wesley would be a little too old but he really enjoyed it and I promised to bring him back when we had more time! On this visit he spent most of his time on the pirate ship and repairing the mini-coupe! There also was a little carpet with baby toys for Lani to use! I was having some germ issues because she is not around other kids very much but I just made sure to wash her hands really well after :) There are a ton more pictures over at Flickr.

The next day we went ice skating at our lake but I have no pictures of that because I had to hold Lani and I am not so good at the one handed photography!
Later on the same day that we went to the museum Lisa and I took the kids to an indoor swimming pool at a local hotel! The kids loved it! I was all set to take Lani but the water was actually a little cool and she would have screamed! She and I hung out on the side watching all the fun! Isn’t it too bad that I didn’t have to put my pasty white self into a bathing suit! I made a little video and I wasn’t going to post it but Wesley insisted that I have to so I will do that later!

For the last day of vacation we were snowed in! We had a storm that dumped about a foot of snow on us! UGH!! It also rained towards the end so it was heavy! It will make some great snowballs and snowmen! Poor Michael had to go out and shovel our driveway! There was about 2 feet piled at the end of the driveway because of the town plows, but luckily our neighbor David used his plow to get rid of that! He tried to do the whole driveway, but because of our fence and narrow driveway he couldn’t get in and there was really no place to put the snow! So, we had a good week despite all the car troubles! We did get it back and they say it was a blown alternator fuse! Hopefully we wont be going back there again for a while!

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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