
Happy New Year!

Lani LOVES Chloe!

We were able to take some pictures of them next to each other this afternoon. Chloe usually runs away but she was all tired out after playing with the straw. I hope that as Chloe gets older she will become calmer and allow Lani to play with her a little. She is not really extra affectionate with any of us so maybe she is saving it for Lani?!?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had a great New Year’s Eve. Michael, Wesley, and I hung out playing games, and watching the ball drop. Wesley stayed up until midnight and had much more energy than Michael or I did. Michael didn’t understand why Wes and I wanted to stay up so he was a little grumpy! Phooey on him because he had a great time ringing in the New Year with us! Lani got up around 2:30am to eat and went back to bed until 7am. What a good girl:) We were stuck inside all day today since we had a wintry mix last night and everything was covered in ice. Michael decided to stay home today instead of trying to brave the ice in his big propane truck

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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