Here are the kiddos right before we headed out to Michael's parents

Grammy made a yummy turkey for us all to enjoy. Lisa and Cheryl also added to the dinner with some delicious side dishes. As we sat down to dinner, Leah read a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson. When I get the words I will post them because it was really sweet.

I know that I over stuffed my self as I always do every year. Last year I was suffering from “all day sickness” when little Lani was in my belly so I had to eat double to make up for how little I ate last year! After dinner everyone spread around the house to relax after the tryptophan kicked in. Jenna used my camera and captured these moments below.

Michael and Lani enjoy some cuddle time after dinner. She was tired as we set down to eat so I was prepared to miss turkey while I put her to sleep, but I put her in the car seat next to us and she fell right to sleep while we were eating.
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