Trick or Treat
We all went trick or treating with our neighbors Jen, Dave, and their kids. We took their truck and Lani sat in her car seat up front with Jen and I. The kids sat in the back with Michael and Dave. Where we live the houses are pretty far apart so we take the truck to keep this kids from getting too tired. 

By the end of the night Wesley’s bag was too full to carry so we ended the night on a high note, and a hyper one. Wesley was so wound up from running around and the excitement that Halloween brings. When we finally got home and started to settle into our nightly routine he has a breakdown and cried for no apparent reason until Michael settled him into bed. They had their evening talk and then he finally calmed down and fell sound asleep.

He went through all of his candy at Jen and Daves and picked out the ones he couldn’t have because of his sealants and the ones he just didn’t care for. He also took out all of the reeses for Daddy because he doesn’t like peanut butter. That has become somewhat of a tradition since Wesley first started going out on Halloween.
So, at the end of the night he came home with too much candy that we will end up throwing most of it away because there is no way that he can eat it all. But all in all we had a fun evening watching Wesley run from house to house with too much energy!!!
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