
Our income tax return often funds our Summer vacations. This year we decided to use it for some home improvement projects. Our pink counter top is now gone along with our nasty carpet and linoleum!! 

ANYWHO....our vacations became "stay-cations" and let me tell ya....I don't like them. We've done some fun things like spending an awesome weekend with friends up North and camping with Lisa, Josh and the kids. BUT...I'm used to having Michael all to myself for days on end. I know that sounds crazy and not many married couples are in a relationship like this, but I LOVE to be with Michael and hate not having his attention. He's so busy with band practice, shows, and other band related things that we hardly see each other anymore. I know...wah, wah, wah :) Maybe I'm just jealous because I'm stuck home while he's out. The plans for my life {photography, going back to school, etc} are pretty much on hold right now until this band thing dies down. 

I don't care what we have to do, but next year our vacations will be OUT OF NH, lol!!! 

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I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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