This weekend was full of family, friends, and Christmas shopping {and returning}! Hate when I see a good deal and then feel guilty about spending the money, lol! Michael has to work on Saturdays now so while Wesley was at a friends Lani and I went shopping. I love going out with just one of the kiddos. No fighting:) We found some great deals at Michael's so now my niece is finished.
I hoped to get a Christmas tree this weekend, but that didn't happen. Maybe next weekend? I took down all the decorations out of the eaves so we are ready to go. Michael said we can put lights outside on the deck so I am excited:) Maybe after a few years of that I can convince him to put lights on the actual house? HAHA...doubt it. I am excited because my Aunt is bringing over a huge Christmas village that used to belong to my Gramma! The kids are going to love setting that up!!!
Tonight my friend Jen and I made some frosting flowers for a wedding shower we are going to on Tuesday. She just took a class and gave me a little I also taught her how to make fondant {thank you Sharon}. Now it's time for Boardwalk Empire!
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