Peoria Zoo and Lakeview Museum
At the end of July we took a two week vacation to visit my grandparents and other family in Illinois. My long time readers know that I was born and raised there until I turned 9 and we moved to NH. We always have so much fun when we go out. This time we spent a few days in Chicago, but those photos need a post of their own. It was such an amazing time.
Our first few days we went to the Glen Oak Zoo in Peoria. It's a SMALL zoo, but it was perfect for us since it was like a million degrees. I only snapped a few photos because there were huge thunder clouds moving in. I didn't want to take the chance of trashing my camera.

Another day we went to Lakeview Museum. We've been to IL. many times, but this was our first visit here. Another quick visit, but the A/C felt great! I LOVED the Lego display they had out.

1 people showing me love:
You guys do so many cool things Wendy! I am jealous. I don't plan enough stuff for the kids because we seem to be so darn busy with their sports all the time. :(
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