Weekend Recap!
We had a busy weekend, but it was a lot of fun!
On Saturday, we moved Lisa (Hubby’s sister) and her family into their new house! It is beautiful and I am so excited for them! I will post pics later for family in VA in a password protected post!( I will e-mail you with it) There are pics of the house and I don’t want to put those on my blog w/o Lisa’s permission! Wesley played out in the HUGE yard all day while Lani was cranky and fussy because she wanted me to hold her! It was new, busy, and loud so she didn’t sleep well! Michael did give me a break later in the evening when he was done moving!
On Sunday, we went on a walk in Concord! It was beautiful out and we wanted to take advantage of it since we are expecting crappy weather the rest of this week! BLAH!!
On Sunday, we went on a walk in Concord! It was beautiful out and we wanted to take advantage of it since we are expecting crappy weather the rest of this week! BLAH!!

Wesley is our budding photographer! He took these two photos while we were on our walk! We have been going on this walk since before Wesley was born and we have never noticed this bench! Wesley found it while he was walking ahead of us at one point on the walk!
These are some more pictures from the walk! Lani LOVED being in the backpack! She was talking the whole time! Thanks to Lisa for allowing us to use the back pack again! (We also used it for Wesley! Lani is the 5th baby to use it!) 

We also did a little shopping and grandparent visiting!

We also did a little shopping and grandparent visiting!
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