Two Weeks Old
Here is Lani doing what she does best! She is 2 weeks old today and has already changed so much! Her hair is even starting to thin out on the sides which is so sad! I was hoping she would keep her beautiful dark hair. It is not likely though since I had the same dark hair and it soon turned to blonde! Michael went back to work this Wednesday after being on vacation the week before! He only worked half day on Wed. because I caught some sort of bug and was not doing so well. He came home to help me with Wesley and Lani! I just couldn’t drag myself out of bed! Wesley, Lani, and I survived the rest of the week though by relaxing around the house and playing outside. Wesley has decided to start his own business of smashing little rocks with bigger rocks in the driveway. Our dirt road was grated and that loosened a lot of the rocks so his business has been keeping him very busy!
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