
Story Land - New Hampshire

If you live here in New Hampshire or any of the surrounding New England states you know this jingle....Story Land - where fantasy lives!  {I know you all just sang it out loud} 

We've been to Story Land a few times as a family and just love it there. Such a fun place to be and so much to do!! 

Story Land is a safe and natural setting where children and their imaginations can run free. They provide a great value to their guests every day, with all-inclusive rides, shows & attractions, reasonably-priced admission ticket, FREE parking, and FREE pet kennels. Featuring birthday parties and character dinners, Story Land is a celebration for the young at heart. This world of fantasy is punctuated by the kaleidoscope of flowers and emerald fields of New Hampshire's beautiful White Mountains. Timeless characters like Humpty Dumpty, the Old Woman in the Shoe, the Three Little Pigs, and Peter Rabbit came to life here in 1954.

*These are my own opinions of Story Land. I was given free tickets for writing this post. 


Gifts of Light Drive Through Light Show ~New Hampshire Motor Speedway

So many lights and so little time! Gift of Lights is guaranteed to get you in the holiday spirit. Pile the entire family in the car and prepare to be amazed. Think light tunnels, giant candy canes and Santa up close and personal. What a great way to get in the holiday spirit          

Save $2 to Gift of Lights Drive Thru Light Show 

*This is a sponsored post. We went to the Gifts of Lights last year and it was AMAZING!!



WOW! I had no idea how long I've been away from this blog. I popped in to check something out and was blindsided by my last post. Many of my readers are friends and family who keep up with me on Facebook or real life so they already know why. But for those of you who don't...my FIL passed away at the end of June. His cancer came back and wasn't treatable. The doctors told him he had a year or less so we spent every moment possible with Wesley. Things happened too fast at the end. As much as we love and miss him I find great relief that he's no longer in pain and struggling to breath. Harder times are coming with the holidays sneaking up on us. We made it through Michael and his sisters birthday's so now onto the next challenge. 

RIP to the greatest Father and Grandfather I have had the honor of knowing! 



I'm dying over here!!! I was looking at some old photos in search of some with Grampy Wesley. OMG!! Look at my lil' peanuts!! I don't have any of Grampy and Wesley as a baby:( Those were back when I used old school film, lol!!! 


I've got chills....

I remember when we bought this house 10 years ago. Our thermostat was kept on 68-70 all Winter because propane was only .64 a gallon. Now it's almost $4 a gallon so the heat is pretty much kept on 62-64! UGH!! Sick of being cold, but I'm so thankful for warm blankets that I'm pretty much cuddled in all day, lol! Luckily we have a "tight" house so it's easy to keep at a constant temperature. 

The kids are NEVER cold...thank goodness!! I definitely would keep it higher if they ever complained. Lani runs around with a nightie and Wes with no shirt on. They are both so toasty warm!! 

Speaking of Winter and cold...we have NO snow on the ground right now. That's just crazy!! I know the big storm is coming, but I'll enjoy it for now. 


Uncle Josh built this amazing doll house for Lani and her Barbie's. It's unbelievable and such a thoughtful gift. Auntie Lisa and the girls decorated it!! The rug is a cut up bath mat and the wallpaper is 12x12 scrapbook paper. A few more things need to be finished on it, but Lani is in heaven:) 

{excuse the grainy cell phone photo}


Sugar Cookies!!

A few weeks before Christmas my nieces and nephew {he had NO interest in decorating} make sugar cookies. Leah and Lani rolled out the dough and cut out the cookies. Then they all dove into decorating! loved to see how creative they all were! I thought it was really fun and hope to make it a tradition. There is NOTHING better then my Gramma Colwell's soft sugar cookies:) 



The weekend before Thanksgiving we went to our local parade. Can you tell we were facing the sun? Another fun morning with the cousins!!! Such a beautiful day to be out in the bright sunshine soaking up some Vitamin D!!! 

Who am I?

My photo
I live in New Hampshire with my husband Michael and my two kiddos, Wesley(11) and Lani(5)! I own a home child care so I can be home with my children.I have a passion for creating scrapbooks and taking photos. I'm in the process of starting my very own photography business:} I love to spend time with my family, going on day trips and other adventures! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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